Posted: January 12, 2023 Author: Megan Stollsteimer Comments: 0

There are few things more enchanting than New York City during the holidays. Anything that can stand still is draped in twinkle lights. Christmas trees inhabit the bay windows of brownstones I dream to one day own. Or at least enter once or twice. Tourists take to the streets, completely oblivious to the unspoken sidewalk speed limits. The whole city is Ella Fitzgerald with a Christmas hat on. But once the last piece of confetti has been swept from Times Square, the enchantment begins to fade. The tourists subside for a little bit, and we New Yorkers are left with just… winter. We have months to go before the trees at Washington Square Park turn pink, and the question begins to loom, “What now?”

In an effort to fill up the blank 2023 calendar, you may turn to the search engines. If you do a quick Google search for “Things to do in NYC in winter,” or even an in depth search, if I’m being honest, you will get a list that looks something like this:  

  1. Hot toddy in bungalow!
  2. Spiked apple cider in bubble!
  3. Espresso martinis on heated rooftop!
  4. Mulled wine on boat!

All of these activities are incredibly fun if you are in fact an alcohol-drinking adult. I am a bitch for a craft beer in a decorated yurt in the middle of a cobblestone street. There is no shade being thrown here. However, if you feel your liver throwing itself on the floor like a toddler in the fits of a tantrum or your pants picking a fight with your growing beer belly, you may find yourself again thinking to yourself, “What now?”

 I have taken the liberty of assembling a list of options. Something you can turn to when you find yourself in a barren desert of activity options and a groundhog confirming no end in sight.

Courtesy: Unsplash
  1. Head to the movies! I know the same stuff is on HBO Max, but pay $25 so you can see if they remembered to give all the Avatar characters blue hands. 
  2. Go bowling! Although, I warn this is the remaining activity that people still use Covid as an excuse to get out of. 
  3. Go to the Met Museum! Do take the pic on the steps, but then go inside for the arts.
  4. Broadway! This is New York for heaven’s sake. 
  5. Trivia Night! It’s always fun to see how much of your education you have forgotten. 
  6. I know we all have heard the phrase “Bowling Green,” but have you ever actually been? Go there!
  7. Sort through all of your socks and mismatch them. Then match them again!
  8. Call your Grandpa and present the polarizing prompt: Jane Fonda! 
  9. Go buy a new sponge! And then buy another, because you will need it one day!
  10. Take your Christmas tree down to the sidewalk!
  11. Sweep all of the crap that fell off your Christmas tree when you hauled it to the sidewalk!
  12. Learn some light electrical work!
  13. Familiar with Ultimate Spoons? A divine game!
  14. Learn how to say “beans” in ten different languages!
  15. Take a lap around the block in a bathrobe and flip flops! 

Okay, so not a wonderful list – you caught me! My true piece of advice for the New York winter months is this – enjoy the cold, coziness for a bit. Read a classic novel in a pub. Write your thoughts in a leather journal while wearing two sweatshirts and a beanie. Let your pants get a little tight. Hats are in so try that new haircut. Let your teeth yellow from coffee overuse. Enjoy this phase of winter hibernation like the little bear you maybe were in a past life. Lean into these couple of months where the 4:15pm sunset dismisses you from planning extra-curriculars. And if you do get a bout of ants in the pants, bundle up, and go for a walk. Because that’s what we do as New Yorkers, we walk! Soak up the crisp winds because before you know it, those rosy cheeks will be slick with sticky perspiration as you await the 1 train in the throes of Pride Month. 

Courtesy: Pexels