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Dating in NYC: Hell on Earth

Dating in NYC: Hell on Earth

 You might think dating in a city with 8.4 million people would be easy since there are so many people to choose from right?Wrong.  Dating in NYC might be the worst activity ever and that’s coming from someone who dated outside of NYC for a few years, so I’d say I have a decent comparison. I mean, take this all with a tiny, small, minuscule grain of salt, because of the fact that I do not enjoy dating in general. I think it’s terrible, but that’s not what we’re talking about in this article. Today we’re talking about what it is like to date in the Big Apple. As a millennial,[ yeah I’m a millennial, so get out of here with your judgement because you probably are too :) ] Anyway, as a millennial, I use dating apps. Another cringe of judgement. But, trust me, I am cringing for this one too.  Meeting people in person is a thing of the past, especially since a little virus made an appearance in 2020. Nobody wants to strike up a conversation in the bar with you unless they’re looking to take you home for the night and just the night. Honestly, at this point, most of us assume if you are trying to pick us up in a bar for anything other than a one-night stand that you’re crazy.Dating apps are supposed to make things easier for us, but alas, they make things more difficult. Having the entire city in the palm of your hand makes you constantly curious about what is out there. We got through profiles just reading bios like... “Oh he’s cute”... but let’s keep swiping. “Ew why is he wearing those pants” *swipe left*“CEO? Yeah right, Chad” *swipe left* “Oooou ‘British in NYC’” *swipe right*“Another couple ‘looking for a good time’” *swipe left*“‘I don’t care about your Instagram’ ok well I don’t care about your fish, James” *swipe left* I need to be clear. I am not just picking on the men here. I just date men, so that is what I see firsthand, BUT, I know women also suck. How do I know this? Well for example, I don’t answer messages. I un-match men for no reason. I ghost them. Worst of all I use men for attention when I’m bored. It’s all of us. We’re all terrible on this shit. 

My Experience

As a girl in her twenties “dating” in NYC, I figured it would be fun to show off some of my personal experiences on dating apps here. Let’s go see all of those fish in the sea ya’ll are always talking about, huh? *These screenshots you are about to see are people I’ve actually encountered on Tinder, the most famous of the dating apps. These are real profiles, real people (mostly), real cringe. I’ve blocked out names and photos for privacy because I am sometimes nice despite what I said about myself 37 seconds ago. 


Dating in nyc 

2. The weird bio people. I wasn't afraid until you said that!!!


3. The cheaters.

Dating in New York 


Dating In New York City

5. The romantics


6. The conversation changers.

Dating in NYC romance 

In a nutshell..

Dating in NYC gives you too many options of people who also have too many options. The people are often carefree and don’t take dating seriously, so if you’re someone who is looking for something serious you might have a rough go at it here. If you are dating seriously in NYC, don’t lose all hope because of my cynical experience. There are in fact 8.4 million people here. There’s gotta be some good apples in the bunch! Maybe just stay away from apps like Tinder… My final thought before I send you off into the world is… why TF are we still doing this, NYC? Let’s be better.