Celebrating Mexican Cuisine and Tequila

Celebrating Mexican Cuisine and Tequila

Cinco de Mayo

What’s the first thing that comes to mind when you hear Cinco de Mayo? I’ll go first. Margaritas. Look -- I know Cinco de Mayo isn’t about just getting wasted off tequila and eating tacos BUT I cannot help it that those are two of my absolute most favorite things to do. We’re gonna get to the good stuff (tequila) but before we do that, let me tell you why we drink tequila and indulge in all the Mexican cuisine we can every May 5th.   Cinco de Mayo is often mistaken as Mexican Independence Day but that is not the case, my friends! On May 5, 1862, the Mexican militia defeated the French during the Franco-Mexican War. The Mexican victory at the Battle of Puebla ended the possibility of Napoleon III’s French Empire spreading into Mexico. What in the world would we do on May 5th if Napoleon III had won?!Would you believe me if I told you that Cinco de Mayo is a minor holiday in Mexico and is celebrated on a greater scale in the United States? I know... I was shocked to learn this, too! Although Cinco de Mayo is a celebration of the Mexican victory over the French, the holiday has become more of a celebration of Mexican-American culture in the United States, which is why we drink margs and eat tacos.  

Tacuba - Cantina Mexicana

Now...let’s celebrate that Mexican-American culture at one of the places in New York City that does it best: Tacuba.   Tacuba is conveniently located in Hell’s Kitchen on 9th Avenue with an amazing secondary location in Astoria, Queens. From the second you walk in the door, you’ll know you picked the right place to enjoy some Mexican favorites. You can choose to sit indoors or outdoors, and the aesthetic is simple and pleasing in both spots (even with all of those tacky COVID-safe plexi-glass walls going up!). The decor isn’t too busy all around, and it's just right to not be overwhelming. The restaurant is dimly lit giving Tacuba a romantic and relaxing vibe.  The owners and staff over at Tacuba adjusted really well to the ever changing COVID guidelines and safety measures. Therefore, you’ll feel comfortable from the minute you arrive.As you settle in at your table, don’t even bother looking at the menu. Order that guacamole! It will be one of the most delicious and freshest bowls of guacamole you’ll ever have the pleasure of eating. It has a little spice to it, while also not losing the taste of all of the delicious ingredients that are mixed in.  You’re going to need a drink with your guac. I highly recommend ordering the margarita for two... even if you’re one person. No judgements here, because that is exactly what I did. This margarita comes in a whole-ass pineapple with actual chunks of pineapple floating about in it. Not only is this pineapple margarita delicious but it’s absolutely ideal to show off on your social media too! Are you scraping the bottom of the bowl looking for more guac yet? That must mean it’s time to order dinner. Tacuba offers a wide selection of dishes for you to choose from. Their menu also very clearly indicates whether the dish has gluten, nuts, or dairy in it, so my friends with stomach issues, you’re safe here! My personal favorite would be the enchiladas de pollo en mole. If you see me at a Mexican restaurant and I don’t have enchiladas in front of me, call the authorities because I am signaling for help. That being said, I know a good enchilada when I eat one, and these are IT. The meat was tender and juicy, the sauce was sweet but also savory, and all of the flavors came together as they should have. I ate every. single. bite. Did you save room for dessert? Me either, but we’re gonna order it anyway! How could anyone pass up some churros?! Especially here. The churros have a nice crispy outer edge to them while still having a soft and spongy inside. Dip them in that chocolate sauce on the side, and HOLY MOLEY. We’re still celebrating Cinco de Mayo here. I didn’t forget that even through my rambles about the guac and churro. So, do you know what that means? TEQUILA SHOTTTTS! Tacuba offers a four page menu of different tequilas and mezcales for you to choose from. Since we are celebrating, I say order a few to try and cheers to Mexican-American influence on cuisine and Cinco de Mayo!    

Nina Rossiello

A whim is really all of the reason that Nina needs in order to add a new piece of ink to her body art collection. Either that, or a cookie of some sort as consolation. Cookies are her favorite. Living in “a very Greek part” of Astoria allows her to be minutes from the bustle of Manhattan, while also spending a ton of time in one of the most diverse places on the planet – the borough of Queens. No matter where in the city that she is, she’s always on the hunt for the next great dessert, the margarita that packs the strongest punch, and the most impressive charcuterie platters. Matters of the earth are close to Nina’s heart, and she’s not afraid to whip out her collection of eco-friendly, stainless steel, utensils and straws. When she’s not saving the planet or drinking in an old man pub — she’s traveling the world and writing at Nomadic Neen, her travel site. 


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